Date: June 11, 2014. Location: Sycamore greenway (map)
Classification Hierarchy | |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Subkingdom | Tracheophyta |
Superdivision | Spermatophyta |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Subclass | Rosidae |
Order | Apiales |
Family | Apiaceae |
Genus | Angelica |
Species | Angelica atropurpurea |
Date: June 11, 2014. Location: Sycamore greenway (map)
Scientific Name: Angelica atropurpurea [Lat] angelica - angelic; atropurpurea - dark purple. There is a legend that; during the time of the plague, an angel appeared before the pope and told him that this plant would cure plague.
Common Name: Purplestem angelica
Origin: Native
Notes:This is a sturdy perennial herbaceous plant 2 to 9 feet tall. It prefers muddy or wet alkaline soils and is usually found along river banks and where there are groundwater springs or seepages.
Additional references: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Flowers: June; petals yellow or white, inflorescence composed of compound umbels which are mostly globe shaped. Fruit; schizocarp composed of two one-seeded mericarps, mericarps winged, flat on inner (commissural) side and three ribs on rounded dorsal side.
Leaves: largest near bottom, pinnate with stem clasping inflated sheaths two to four inches long.
Stems: stout, hollow (fistulose) and noticeable purple.
Glossaries of botanical terms: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.